Nginx is missing after installing EE4

Hi, I’m using Ubuntu 18. Just run commands:

Install EasyEngine on Linux

wget -qO ee && sudo bash ee

Create a site at with WordPress

sudo ee site create --type=wp

Some information from ee cli info:
| OS | Linux 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:2 |
| | 8 UTC 2018 x86_64 |
| Shell | /bin/bash |
| PHP binary | /usr/bin/php7.2 |
| PHP version | |
| php.ini used | /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini |
| EE root dir | phar://ee.phar |
| EE vendor dir | phar://ee.phar/vendor |
| EE phar path | /root |
| EE packages dir | |
| EE global config | /opt/easyengine/config/config.yml |
| EE project config | |
| EE version | 4.0.7

Site is created, but, Nginx not installed (I can’t see Nginx folder in /etc). How to fix it?

As others have mentioned before, EEv4 installs only a few packages to the host OS. Everything is inside your docker containers.


Thank you. Docker is new to me. Do I understand correctly that the site should earn immediately? Now it is not available. Could Cloudflare DNS Servers Cause?

What do you mean by this?

Ok, the problem was in DNS, now it solved. New question from nub), how i can install PHPMyAdmin? How i understand here instruction for EE3, but “stack” command not work in EE4.

Problem was in DNS, now it solved. Thank you.

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