New user with multiple setup/management ?'s

Hi and thanks for all your work, EasyEngine seems amazing so far.

I have been unable to ssh into the server. Followed all the instructions in
but I’m new to this and not sure what’s supposed to happen with the shell command. Plus, my server returns this path; www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin
I was able to change the pw but was not able to get it working.

Thankfully, I left root open while I stepped through this first install.

The nginx plugin that was installed has a config page. I’d like to confirm where it goes.

Is it OK to change the port from 22 to xxxxx ?

There is no "config.php file in WP /var/www/
Is that doc somewhere else so I can record the mysql settings for backup purposes?

Do you have any suggestions for security? Is the standard install considered fairly secure?

Lastly, am I reading correctly that every plugin needs htaccess code to run?

Attachment Link(s):


  1. You need to change www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin to www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/bash so that you can login.
    To change that, use follwing command:
    sudo vim /etc/passwd
  2. If you want you can change SSH port from 22 to XXXXX but while login you need to specify that port.
  3. For security reasone we keep wp-config.php in folder /var/www/
  4. htaccess is not required for Nginx, we need to write custom Nginx rules for that.
  5. For better security, you can use ufw, fail2ban, change ssh port, disable password logins, restrict login to only your ip address, etc, etc