New Update For RT pannel imp!

Infinite Scroll At this time, your theme, rtPanel, doesn't support Infinite Scroll. Unlike other Jetpack modules, Infinite Scroll needs information from your theme to function properly. Until your theme supports Infinite Scroll, you won't be able to activate this module. Comes with Jetpack update try it and see


Our rtPanel lead developer Joshua is looking into it. As soon as we find out the cause, we’ll update you and if necessary, update the theme.

By ‘if necessary’, I mean that at times, we can’t or due to technical/philosophical reasons, wouldn’t like to support everything. Some tough decisions need to be taken to keep the framework lean and mean, fighting machine! Some features are best left to the people who extend/develop with rtPanel. Since, this is primarily a framework that also works as a minimal theme.

Thanks for the heads up, though.


Hi Ashish,

rtPanel does support infinite scroll. You just need to tell the module how to render it properly on rtPanel. For that you need to add the following to your child theme’s functions.php

add_theme_support( 'infinite-scroll', array(  
    'type'           => 'scroll',  
    'container'      => 'content',  
    'wrapper'        => false,  
    'render'         => 'rtpanel_loop',  
    'posts_per_page' => 10  
) );  

function rtpanel_loop(){  
    get_template_part( 'loop', 'common' );  

And then for beautification add the following to your styles.css

.infinite-scroll .wp-pagenavi { display: none; }  
#content-wrapper #infinite-footer .container { width: 940px; }  

For advanced tweaking you could check out this link -> Infinite Scroll