Need to remove tab items

I see others asking this question and still no answers...

I need to remove some tab items from the Media section of the profile.

ALL I need is the picture function...i don't need albums, music, video...none of that. I have it turned off therefore I don't want it to show on the users profile.

There must be a solution to get rid of these simply from the front end standpoint...

If not, when will there be an update?


Till recently, and even now, our focus has been on rolling out features. The fine tuning had a back seat. However, now that the essential features are already in place., we are working on fine-tuning the settings so site admins can have more control on BuddyPress Media.

This will be part of the next update and if a particular media type is disabled, all functionality for that media type, including the tabs will disappear.



I could have sworn that in the settings area, you can disable that. I just tried it on version 1.6.4 and it's works nicely. No need to re-code anything.

The tabs on the actual screen do respond but not the ones in the admin bar. It is to do with the way BuddyPress components are registered. We're still looking for workarounds.

We'll fix this, when we can.


If you don't want albums then you can remove the nav item by putting this function into your theme's functions.php. But note certain features of the plugin won't work as you're disabling a large part of the plugin by removing albums.

function remove_albums_nav() { bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'albums' ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'remove_albums_nav', 15 );

You can do the same for the music and video nav items if you like.

@saurabhshukla - any update on this? I’ve managed to ‘hide’ the labels with css like this:

#rtmedia-nav-item-albums-li { display: none!important; }

as I still need the album feature but would ideally prefer a better fix. Is this possible yet - even with some code in my theme’s functions.php?
