Move beta site to live site

I need to move a development site (developed live on the server) to a live site, same server, so it’s really just a URL and root directory name change

I typically would export the DB and change the URL in a text editor, then upload the files and configure nginx. Just wondering if with EE there might be an easier way?

The current beta site url is and the live site will just be Here is what I am thinking is best with an ee stack and an ee site create WP NGINX FAST CGI site, please let me know if there is a better way:

  1. Rename the directory in /var/www/ from to
  2. edit the wp-config file with new site url name
  3. export current DB and replace old url with new url
  4. Import edited sql into
  5. Change DB name


Sorry for delay in reply. As you had created this topic without selecting category, hence we missed your query. Now, I have assigned category to this topic.

For this, Our site migration article will help you. Link:

Hello @datagroove

It’s been a long time, and we haven’t heard from you. It looks like your issue is resolved.

I am closing this support topic for now. Feel free to create a new support topic if you have any queries further. :slight_smile: