Migration Script V3 to V4 broke several site

So I have 4 sites on the older V3 setup and wanted to move to V4. Grabbed the migration script and test dry run no errors. Start with one site as a test now all are inaccessible. The site That was used for the test is reachable but looks like a default install of wordpress and the username on posts is the creation one from the script.
Screen is a mass of errors.

Exporting db.
Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install.
Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
mv: cannot stat ‘XXXXXXX.db’: No such file or directory
Importing db.
Can’t find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?
Can’t find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?

    Supported filenames: docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml

rm: cannot remove ‘/XXXXXXXX.db’: No such file or directory
Copying site contents
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir “/wp-content” failed: No such file or directory (2)

sent 20 bytes received 12 bytes 64.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1196) [sender=3.1.2]
Can’t find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?

These errors go on and it broke the other 3 sites that weren’t included we were testing with just one. Suggestions please.

The migration script has never worked for me either. Can you still so a sudo ee shell sitename.com on your previous EE3 server and get a shell? That is where you want to run the wp db export to get a full dump of your database.

Once you get a copy of the database, then you just need to tar/gzip the wp-contents folder and you have all you need to move the site to the new server.

DM me if you are still having issues and i can certainly assist further. But I am a bit remiss in repeating all the commands here as they have been used on other posts in the past.

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Yes I have shell access fortunately my setup is on a VPS not some hosting plan. Also have a backup of the sites in question they didn’t change much anyway short of the dev site but prod is a different VPS all together and was unaffected by this.

I appreciate the feedback surprised there isn’t more of a warning in their documentation that is can grenade everything. Looking at the script after the fact it lacks any kind of good error checking there were no user prompts it skipped all that and ended by disabling V3 and leaving the single V4 site broken. I’ll get into it Monday might just build a clean setup but not going to lie as much as I liked this for deployment this is a major miss when it comes to long term usage. If I run into anything I might take you up on the PM offer and once again thanks for your time.