Migration from v3 to v4 stuck at proc/kcore

I am trying to migrate from v3 to v4. I have about 20 sites.

I tried ./migrate.sh --dry-run --all command and now the dry-run is stuck at Copying site contents proc/kcore.

Then I saw a similar topic at How long does the v3 to v4 migration dry run take?

To continue from :confused: I broke the terminal command by pressing control+c and somehow even during dry-run the migration script migrated everything but incorrectly and now all my sites are down.

Please help.

I think that the migration scripts has bugs.

i changed the script to make it work:

  • Comment the line 124: ee3_site_name=$site_name
  • Change the sqlite3 query (line 125-130 to add site_path) by:
site_data=$(sqlite3 /var/lib/ee/ee.db "select  \
    site_type, \
    cache_type, \
    is_ssl, \
    php_version, \
    from sites where sitename='$ee3_site_name';")
  • Add after this new variables:
EE3_SITE_ROOT="$(echo "$site_data" | cut -d'|' -f5)/htdocs"

With this i migrated all websites

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legend, it worked!

I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t been updated officially yet :confused: