I had seen a post a while back saying that rtmedia 2.8(?) could import the albums and setting from the old bp-album plugin, yet I do not see this anywhere in the backend options after enabling the rtmedia 3.1.7 - I tried going to the migration tab, but it just 0 / 0 /0 /1 - and the start button is dark - so is there a different way to import from ap-album? Is this an available option with the 3x branch of rtmedia? Where / How to?
@stevemedia - The option should still be available under yousitename/wp-admin/admin.php?page=rtmedia-migration
Appreciate the info on where the import is supposed to be, when I go there, I do not see anything that will import the old albums / pictures that the other users of our buddypress have uploaded previously using the bp-album plugin.
All I see is: rtMedia Migration It will migrate following things User Albums : 0 Groups Albums : 0 Media : 0 Comments : 0 No time remaining. 0/0
and a progress bar, and a start button that is dark / non-clickable.
Could this be an issue with the plugin itself, or maybe because I had previous buddypress running with single wordpress, a thousand users, then I just switched to wordpress multisite, then added the rtmedia plugin?
I would love to change over to your plugin, but getting the migration to work would be really helpful so I can stop using that other one. Any ideas?
@stevemedia - The info on your migration page tells that there are no media to migrate. Have you tried migrating in the past?
Also try deactivating the other plugins and switching over to the default theme and check, maybe some plugin or theme code must be conflicting with the numbers and hence the issue.
I wonder if this is because I am logged in as admin, and I do not have any albums under my name. I have several users who have signed up as users for our single WP install using buddypress that had created albums. I have now converted this to a WPMS (multi-site) - Is the import from bp-album migration thing suppose to work for the network admin to migrate all users' albums over as I was thinking? Or is this something that was made more for each individual user to migrate / import - and that may be why it is detecting zero albums to import from my dashboard?
@stevemedia - Sorry, I confused your query with the BuddyPress Media to rtMedia migration. Sorry to say that we have stopped giving support for the bp-album import as we had spent a lot of time on that and the response/use of it was almost negligible. You could try installing BuddyPress Media v2.8 and check if it still works well for you. But please take a proper backup of your site before proceeding, so that you could restore it back incase something goes wrong.