Menu Interference with Plugin Activated

My site's menu disappears when I activate the plugin. Wondering if it's a Javascript issue. Only thing is I wouldn't know what to look for. Site URL

Debug info

PHP 5.3.26 MYSQL 5.5.32 WordPress 3.6 BuddyPress 1.8.1 rtMedia 3.0.13 OS Linux Imagick Not Installed GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible) [php.ini] post_max_size 999M [php.ini] upload_max_filesize 999M [php.ini] memory_limit 999M

Also, what is Imagick and if I need it. How do I install it on my server?

@ptvstudios - When I checked your site, rtMedia was disabled. You could try checking your browser console for any js errors though.

Also you could Google on tutorials to install Imagick, although this is a requirement only for the Instagram Addon. But if you have this installed WordPress would make use of the Imagick functions instead of GD library.

@joshuaabenazer I reactivated the plugin. I wouldn't know how to check for JS errors. Let me know if you could spot any I'd really appreciate it!

@ptvstudios - Maybe this link could help you ->

@joshuaabenazer I went ahead and made a clean install. Here's the link. The plugin is active and running, possible to have a look for me? The menu just is un-clickable unless I scroll down the page and the sticky menu appears.

@ptvstudios - Just checked your site and the menu seems to be working.