Media-gallery-item.php error after changing site url

I’m getting an error on every page load for media-gallery-item.php. I changed my site url from to, but media-gallery-item.php. is still trying to run at and throwing an error. Here’s the error

XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

@colabsadmin - How exactly have you changed your site url?

wordpress --> settings --> general

WordPress Address (URL)
Site Address (URL)

@colabsadmin - That is strange. We will have to debug and see what could be causing this issue then. Could you confirm if the issue still persists on a default theme with all the other plugins deactivated?

Hi Joshua,

I enabled the twenty-twelve theme and disabled everything except

rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress by rtCamp version 3.2.8,
BuddyPress by The BuddyPress Community version 1.8.1,
rtMedia Photo Tagging by rtCamp version 2.2,
rtMedia Pro by rtCamp version 1.7

I’m still receiving the error.

I also deleted all my cookies, and still the error.


Hey Joshua,

I also deleted all rtMedia plugins (including the files) and reinstalled. Still have the error.

Also, I replaced every occurrence of in the db with Still no joy.

@colabsadmin - I dug a little deep into this and looks like you must be having a server configuration issue here. If you have not done a permanent redirect from to, you will face this issue when accessing the site, which i guess is still accessible for you and does not redirect to

I hope my above explanation is clear.

Hey Joshua,

Its sorted now. My wp-conifg.php file had ‘WP_CONTENT_URL’ pointing to

Thanks man. Where can I send the beer?

@colabsadmin - The following donate link is one way to send a beer - :wink:
But since you are already using rtMedia-PRO, consider that your beer has already reached us! :slight_smile: