Letsencrypt not renewing or unable to apply letsencrypt

Hi, From last 2 days --letsencrypt with options is not working. throwing errors. like not pointing to name servers for new ssl setup and for renewal showing error like this

Renewing SSl cert for https://onlinelic.co.in ERROR : Cannot RENEW SSL cert ! Your current cert will expire within 27 days. Check logs for reason tail /var/log/ee/ee.log & Try Again!!!

Issue resolved

How did you handle the situation?

Issue is I have created rewrites.conf where I kept code for tackling . Error Now I removed it. So issue resolved. Temp solution.

Still I have few issues how to resolve .error like that. And one site content displaying in other site.

About parts of a site showing off in another domain, you must edit wp-config.php of all your wp-redis sites.

There is a line like this at the end of file:

define( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT', 'sitename:' );

You must ensure it is ABOVE the “stop editing” comment, otherwise it won’t be interpreted soon enough to separate the caches per domain.

@vijayp4you are you using cloudflare DNS ?
