Is lightbox supposed to work on Wordpress posts/pages?

I have rtmedia installed and using Mesocolumn theme for buddypress/multi-site.

Lightbox works great on images in activity and groups.

But when I make a post with images - and then click on the image in the post, the image does not open in lightbox.

Also when creating a gallery for a post, it also does not open the images in a lightbox.

This is the activity feed code

And this is gallery code in post which shows nothing to do with rtmedia

div id="gallery-1" class="gallery galleryid-11519 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-thumbnail">

I did ask the Mesocolumn dev what to do and she suggested this:

hi angela, that would be plugin related question. did rtmedia support wordpress gallery post lightbox media. anyway try check the rel= name for rtmedia, check one of the image that can open in lightbox, and add this to lib/functions/custom-functions.php
if( !function_exists('meso_add_rel_lightbox') ):  
function meso_add_rel_lightbox ($content)  
{   global $post;  
    $pattern = "/]*).(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png)('|\")(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/i";  
    $replacement = '$7';  
    $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);  
    return $content;  
add_filter('the_content', 'meso_add_rel_lightbox', 12);  


if you see the code the default rel is ‘gallery_group’. change it to the same rel as rtmedia
hope it work.

Still a little bit confused what to do or if like she said you support lightbox for gallery. 0.o

I very eagerly look forward to hearing from you - as I do what my site as pretty as possible.

@angelapurcell - Sorry to say that the rtMedia lightbox is built specifically for rtMedia related stuff like in the groups and activities. We do not support the lightbox on WordPress posts and pages. We may do that in the future, but as of now we do not support it.