Installation with fastcgi, hhvm and PageSpeed

Hi, I’m confused for installation with fastcgi, hhvm and PageSpeed.

ee site create --wpfc --hhvm --pagespeed

This would be the command?

Thank you.

That is the right command, i did this today and it works fine.

I suggest to install pagespeed after you configure the site.


Yes this is the right command


May i know the reason behind this suggestion.

If you find any breaks in your site with pagespeed or hhvm you can disable them afterwords.

Hi @edisoncosta,

You are right, You can use following command for FastCGI, HHVM and Pagespeed

ee site create --wpfc --hhvm  --pagespeed

Also please note that, EasyEngien does not enable any pagespeed filter by default, you can enable it using command

ee site edit --pagespeed

Hi @edisoncosta

It’s been a long time, and we haven’t heard from you. It looks like your issue is resolved.

I am closing this support topic for now. Feel free to create a new support topic if you have any queries further. :slight_smile: