I already posted before the suggestion to have “username and password” fields available in the top menu, if a user is not logged in (but then social logins would be hard to add there), therefore I came up with few ideas:
- For Login:
- To add a menu location “top right corner”, which would be next to the username. Then I could add “log in” menu item(links to “login-page”, where social login is easy to add), and select to “show only if user is not logged in”
- For Log out/profile/settings…(If user is “logged in”):
That the “username” can be clicked and the dropdown with links appears (profile, settings, privacy, LOG out, etc…)
- In case the “top right corner” location is used for “if logged in” menu… then we could add “profile” as top menu item, and under that menu item we could add any other links like “log out, settings, etc” (any menu item)… this way settings icon could be removed and save some space in the bar
- or simply to have “log in” and “log out” buttons switching next to the username.
Simply, I would like to get rid of the “login widget”, since I don’t want to use sidebar…
Thank you.