Inspirebook - Child theme

I see that InspireBook has been released as solo theme.
Now I would need some help creating a child theme for it.
I already made some changes on original child theme that was using RTpanel theme as parent, and did change the line in style.css of the child theme to use InspireBook as parrent.
Template: InspireBook
But I get the following error:
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

Name Description
InspireBook-child The parent theme is missing. Please install the “InspireBook” parent theme.

What else do I have to change?

Thank you!

It would be great if you could prepare the "child-theme" for download, like some theme developers do...


Got it in the themes list, I shouldn't use capital letters, but it's not working, blank page if acitvated..

Is there anything else I should change? what about the line @package rtPanel in each file?


this was a private reply with post_id 62441

Just like to add my vote for a template child theme as you did for rtpanel, with package builder etc

(I have a Inspirebook child theme running, but could not get the new Fontello fonts I created to work in the child theme. So I copied them to the parent folder - where they will get overridden again. I seemd to me that if I had a child theme set up with package.js etc my life would have been easier.)

Hello Mihail and Marius,

Please refer following answers,

1. Parent theme not found issue: Use Template: inspirebook in your child theme's style.css file. The Template is the directory name of the parent theme, so make sure your parent theme directory name is inspirebook.

2. Package rtPanel: @package rtPanel will not create any issue in your case, but if you want, can change it to @package InspireBook.

3. Child theme: As per child theme of rtPanel, you can create child theme of InspireBook theme. Add functions.php and style.css file in child theme. Then add assets/, Gruntfile.js, package.json to child theme from InspireBook parent theme.

Refer this article to setup InspireBook theme for development, Note: Process will be the same for InspireBook.

4. Custom Fontello Icons: Kindly refer the process given in this article, this will help you to update Fontello fonts in InspireBook theme.

Let me know if you have any doubts in the above process.

Thanks for your answer. I did copy functions.php file to my child them, but when trying to add any function to it, it stops working, giving me blank page... then I commented these functions, and it started working: /* function rtp_is_bp_user_page() { /* function rtp_is_bp_group() { /* function rtp_is_rtmedia_page() {

However, it's not a solution to have those functions missing, or am I doing something wrong?? If I put only my functions to the file, then BP is not responding...

Please help.

Thank you.

This functions are already present in InspireBook parent theme, so no need to add them again in the child theme.

I did it, and it seems to be working, but css is broken... I guess I'll have to redo the changes on new css...


I have completed these steps to create a child theme. However, the menu bar on the left does not display properly. The Fontello icons disappear and in Chrome the bar automatically resizes to a very small size.

functions.php, style.css, assets/, Gruntfile.js, package.json are all present. Package: inspirebook added to stylesheet. I also had to comment out the 3 functions that Mihail highlighted above.

What have I missed?

Regards, Jon

Attachment Link(s):

Please Disregard.

The primary menu settings needed to be reapplied. That resolved the issue.

Alright, well I am still having an issue regarding the Child-themes and Fontello icons.

New Fontello fonts don't seem to work in the child-theme. They work fine if uploaded to the Parent Theme after generating the new css/font files with grunt. However, uploading them to the child-theme only they don't seem to show up properly.

Regards, Jon

@Mihail, InspireBook is based on Grunt/Foundation, please make sure you have setup theme for development as given in this article and grunt command is running in backend while development.

Also, no need to change in style.css manually, this file will generate while changing scss files in /assets/inspirebook/ directory.

@Jwlou, Make sure after import /assets/fontello/config.json file to, you are not changing its CSS Prefix and Font Name. Please see the attached screenshot.

Usage in navigation: If you want to use inspirebook-icon-thumbs-up-alt icon in the navigation, then make sure you are using thumbs-up-alt as custom class in menu settings. Please see the attached screenshot.

Attachment Link(s):

Yes Manish. I did make sure that CSS Prefix and Name are correct. I know I have it correct because if I upload the new grunt generated files in the parent theme, the new icons show up fine. If I upload those same grunt generated files in the child theme, they do not show. The /assets/fontello/ folder in the child theme seems to be ignored and always defaulting to the parent them /assets/fontello/ folder.

If the process is proper, then it should work fine.

Again, can you please confirm that you have called inspirebook-icon.css in your header? If not then add following code in your functions.php file,

function rtp_custom_scripts_and_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'rtp-custom-inspirebook-icon', RTP_CHILD_ASSETS . '/fontello/css/inspirebook-icon.css', '', NULL ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'rtp_custom_scripts_and_styles', 11 );

Check fontello fonts after add this code in functions.php and let me know if you still facing this issue in your child theme.

similar problem here, it's totally ignoring assets folder in child theme. Do we need to define it with the code from old functions.php that was as a child: define( 'RTP_CHILD_ASSETS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets' );

Namely, I've created my custom css and I've putted it into assets/custom/ It worked fine while InspironBook was a child theme on rtPanel...

What do I have to do to make it load also in Inspirion-Child theme?

I've added my custom css to style.css in child theme, and it works fine... Howevery it would be much better to have it in a custom CSS file, like I did before.

This worked for me (the custom css file is in "/assets/custom/css"): function my_custom_scripts_and_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'my-custom-inspirebook-css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/custom/css/custom.min.css', '', NULL ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_custom_scripts_and_styles', 11 );

That's Great, you found the exact issue.

Following code is missing from your functions.php file, that's why its not work for you. If you want, you can add below code to your functions.php file,

define( 'RTP_CHILD_CSS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css' ); define( 'RTP_CHILD_JS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js' ); define( 'RTP_CHILD_IMG', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/img' ); define( 'RTP_CHILD_ASSETS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets' ); define( 'RTP_CHILD_BOWER_COMPONENTS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/foundation/bower_components' );

This is the complete code which you used in the older version of InspireBook (Child theme).
