Images uploaded by Uploader won't show up in BuddyPress profile

Hi there. I have an issue with rtMedia. When i’m trying to upload the images via shortcode uploader with shortcode [rtmedia_uploader context=”profile” context_id="$user_id"] , uploaded photos show on activity stream and in global gallery shortcode, but they don’t show in user profile. The photos are on the site, you can like them, comment, etc., but they are not accessible from uploader’s BuddyPress profile page.

Hello @Valery_Ergardt,

Could you please confirm if you face the same issue when the other plugins on your site have been disabled and any of the WordPress default theme is enabled? It will help us to debug the issue.

Thank you.

Yes, i do encounter the same problem while all the other plugins are off and default theme is used. No problems while uploading with Sidebar Uploader with context “profile” though, but it won’t let me set album or attribute slug, so i still would like to figure out shortcode uploader problem.

Hello @Valery_Ergardt,

That’s strange! Shortcode should work properly with defaults. Please once try putting below shorcode snippet by creating a new post for the sake of confirmation and kindly let us know if this won’t work for you.

[rtmedia_uploader context=profile context_id=1]

Note: Replace context_id with valid WordPress user id.

Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.

That’s the thing, you see, i need any user to be able to upload media in their profile with this uploader. The way it works with sidebar uploader now.

I think i need to fetch current user’s id and put it into context_id somehow. But i just don’t know how.

Well, i was able to resolve this problem by adding an uploader with shortcode [rtmedia_uploader context=“profile”]

Hi @Valery_Ergardt,

Yes, if you don’t specify context_id, it will take current logged in user id as the context_id. So this will work. Glad to know that your issue has been solved. :slight_smile:


Sorry to bother you again, but is there any way user could specify an album to which media is uploaded by himself? Like in profile uploader.

Hello @Valery_Ergardt,

Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to provide album selection with uploader shortcode.

Thank you.