I need the old framework from the version 3.7

Hi there,

I need the old framework for rtmedia, I’m having troubles as I updated to the latest version and now my lightbox doesn’t go fullscreen. I don’t have any idea how to solve this. Can you please provide me those files?


You can get all the previous version of rtMedia plugin from WordPress plugin repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-media/developers/.

Regarding lightbox issue, please check if current theme CSS is overwrite rtMedia CSS for lightbox.




Can you please help, this upgrade had made me a lot of troubles with my custom Lightbox, the image is not centered anymore and well the lightbox doesn’t go fullwidth.

    function reload_size() {
  var winHeight = jQuery(window).height();  
  var winWidth = jQuery(window).width();
  if(winWidth>winHeight) {var maxHeight = winHeight;}
  else {var maxHeight = winWidth;}
  jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container .rtmedia-single-meta').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); 
  jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container #rtmedia-single-media-container').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); 
  jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container #rtmedia-single-media-container .rtmedia-media').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); 
  //console.log( winWidth + ' x ' + winHeight);


function reload_size() { var winHeight = jQuery(window).height(); var winWidth = jQuery(window).width(); if(winWidth>winHeight) {var maxHeight = winHeight;} else {var maxHeight = winWidth;} jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container .rtmedia-single-meta').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container #rtmedia-single-media-container').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); jQuery('.mfp-content .rtm-lightbox-container #rtmedia-single-media-container .rtmedia-media').css({ 'height' : maxHeight, 'max-height' : maxHeight }); //console.log( winWidth + ' x ' + winHeight); }

Some of the code a developer wrote for me for reloading size, i guess those divs have changed now…