I have no idea what has happened, but my site stopped working. MariaDB got uninstalled and NGINX was replaced with Apache

I was trying to setup postfix + dovecot after the website was up and running. I must’ve misread some instructions or mistyped something and used the wrong install script - I have no clue.

What I know is that suddenly the site was not there.

However, in the easyengine sites folder, there’s the site. So I uninstalled Apache, reinstalled NGINX, reinstalled MariaDB. The NGINX splash page is showing up on the site, so things are ‘working’, but I don’t know what to do next. I don’t see a means of rebuilding the MariaDB for the website.

Any ideas?

NB: Some details …

| Site               | https://3leggedblindbadger.pub               |
| Access admin-tools | https://3leggedblindbadger.pub/ee-admin/     |
| Site Root          | /opt/easyengine/sites/3leggedblindbadger.pub |
| Site Title         | 3leggedblindbadger.pub                       |
| WordPress Username | distracted-hellman                           |
| WordPress Password | obfuscated |
| Alias Domains      | None                                         |
| DB Host            | global-db                                    |
| DB Name            | 3leggedblindbadger_pub                       |
| DB User            | 3leggedblindbadger.pub-l73DlR                |
| DB Password        | obfuscated |
| E-Mail             | [email protected]                 |
| SSL                | Enabled                                      |
| SSL Wildcard       | No                                           |
| Cache              | Enabled                                      |
| Proxy Cache        | Off                                          |

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