I already asked this on other thread, but possibly because I'm such a neebie, I need some extra guidance :)
The site in question is www.fimage.fi, where I've created conditional tag for frontpage to show a slider, and all subpages to go with featured image set for them.
I have a template, which uses WP's featured image as a header image on pages. I use code as below to do that:
<?php global $post; ?>
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), array(1000,400), false, '' );
Now, on BuddyPress members profile pages are obviously returning empty for featured image, because they are dynamic, and no option to set that in. Is there a way, to get Featured Media to be pulled through that code snippet? Or condition or something?
Because for some reason, I've set one picture as a featured media on my profile, but it returns nothing. Am I missing a function or something.
Thank you on forehand.