How to create or recover WordPress Admin user

First of PHPMyAdmin is not working and I tried to rest the password it says “Invalid WordPress user byond for” however if I use forget password option from wp-login page it sends email without any issue.

Now its been a few days I do not have access over my website

Simply use command:

ee site info

It’s showing database details only not WordPress admin details, is there any way to update credentials without phpmyadmin as it’s not loading for me

That command shows WordPress Username and WordPress Password which are exactly what you asked for. If they are not being shown it might be a problem with your instalation.

You should get something like this:

root@WordPress_Cursos:~# ee site info
| Site | |
| Access admin-tools | |
| Site Root | /opt/easyengine/sites/|
| Site Title | <What_ever_you_chose> |
| WordPress Username | your-WordPress-username |
| WordPress Password | your_WordPress_password |
| DB Host | global-db |
| DB Name | your-database |
| DB User | your-db-user |
| DB Password | your-db-password |
| E-Mail | your-email |
| SSL | Enabled |
| SSL Wildcard | No |
| Cache | None |

For me it’s showing

root@cloud49:~# ee site info
Information about

Nginx configuration      wp basic (enabled)
PHP Version              7.0
HHVM                     disabled
SSL                      enabled
SSL PROVIDER             Lets Encrypt
SSL EXPIRY DATE          Wed Jun  5 11:03:16 UTC 2019

access_log               /var/www/
error_log                /var/www/
Webroot                  /var/www/
DB_NAME                 dbname

DB_USER                  dbuser
DB_PASS                  mypass

What do you get from running: ee cli version?

ee cli -v
EasyEngine v3.8.1
Copyright © 2016 rtCamp Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

However command provided by you not working

 ee cli version
usage: ee (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...}
ee: error: unrecognized arguments: cli version

Oh, thats the reason, I was giving you commands for version 4 while you were using version 3

For now I just want to gain access to my website as am not able to access wp dashboard


I upgraded to the v4 but now am getting

root@cloud49:~# ee site info
Error: could not find driver

Try this:

wget -qO ee && sudo bash ee
sudo ee site restart
sudo ee service restart nginx-proxy

Error: Could not find the site you wish to run site restart command on.
Either pass it as an argument: ee site restart <site-name>
or run ee site restart from inside the site folder.

sudo ee site create --type=wp

Then restore a backup from old website into the new one

Corrected wrong advice, sorry

Didn’t get you if I run this command it may delete my website hosting on this server and even we move files in new location will database work ?

sudo ee site create --type=wp
Error: Cannot create/start proxy container. Please make sure port 80 and 443 are free.

Looks like v4 isnt working for you.

Which version are you in, now?


Yup this is the latest one

Gee, it should be working. This was what I did in my website. Now I need to park other domains and just found out EasyEngine didnt do this yet

Its not showing my migrated domain name, and not even creating new site

Looks like it didnt install v4 correctly