How to change Album name?

Hello, I have some question how to change album name?

Or how to disable album function?

I couldn't find anything on setting area.

Thank you


We will be adding feature to change album-name soon.

Why do you want to disable albums? Isn’ it good to have all your media organised into sets/collections?

When is album renaming expected to be released?


Album renaming will be added hopefully in next release (before month-end)

Thanks for your reply Rahul.


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Hi, didn’t want to create a new topic. Has album editing now been added?

i just subscribed to your newsletter too, thanks.

Hi @fpats,

We haven't added album name editing, yet. But we'll be adding this soon, as we have done with other features in the past.



Just to update you, album editing and renaming has been added in the latest version along with more features.



Is there a way to disable albums? Although having albums is great for most websites, for my site I only intend to let people upload 1 video so my users will have need for albums.

Hope this is possible?

Hi Henry,

While this is not present in the codebase, right now, I see that you've added to this discussion here:

We'll definitely get to it, soon.
