How to add text or button in the pop up (lightbox) picture in Buddypress media?


How to add text or button in the pop up (lightbox) picture in Buddypress media? I need to add another text or new button with hyperlink that capture the photo's title . And I want to put it in the next of the comment or favourite button. Please advise how to do it? In which file that I should modify? Thank you.

@veedub-veedub - You would need to override the rtMedia single media template ( media/media-single.php ) for that. Check this link for more details ->

Hi Joshua,

Thank you for your advise. But I can't found the directory or media-single.php file that mentioned in your email or the tutorial. Only found the folders like app, config, languages, lib, log and tests. Am I missing something?

@veedub-veedub - Which version of rtMedia are you using? You should have a templates folder inside the main plugins folder containing these files.

Hi Joshua,

I use Version 2.13.2.

@veedub-veedub - Unfortunately you are using a very old version of our plugin and are missing out on a whole lot of new features like the template override for instance.

Most probably you should find the code for that output here -> ( need to edit app/main/profile/BPMediaScreen.php )

If you are planning to update to the latest version, please make sure you take a proper backup of your files and database before updating.