How to Access nginx configuration for site created with Easyengine?

I need to open and access Nginx configuration file for EE, what command i should type ? so that i could make changing in it , Thank you

I would not recommend editing the main nginx.conf file, since it’ll get overwritten by EE.

Instead either create a file with your options in this directory:


or for site specific options, use the directory created automatically by EE which can be found at:


thank you for your reply @remuz as i am new to ee and nginx also vps . I wanted to enter a block of code for nginx config file to work with aws s3 for the specific website . which is one of the many website hosted on ee/droplet

i tried but i dont know how to enter /var/www/mydomain name/conf/nginx/ is it sudo vim or how ?

do you also know? how i can access wordpress sub directories in ee to access wp-content or some php file .

Use the command CD to change your directory. You’re supposed to make a configuration file within that directory.

It should look something like this:

/var/www/mydomain name/conf/nginx/aws.s3.conf

nano is a good text editor for beginners.

I highly recommend you take a basic linux course before doing much more. Something like this should work fine.

i currently use putty to access my vps i will have a look how i can use nano with my digital ocean vps .

I try and find out how i can use nginx conf for aws .
i checked the centos tutorials some time ago as we all have full free access to its bit different to ubuntu which i use with ee.
i am currently trying github and irc to trouble shoot this problem . if i will get back to you again thank you

Hi @umakant

To display or edit nginx site-configuration use following commands respectively :

ee site show

ee site edit

The above 2 commands only accesses site config present in /etc/nginx/sites-available directory, their may configuration for your site at other locations too like /etc/nginx/conf.d and /var/www/ and probably elsewhere too, to exhaustively browse it you just need to follow the argument to [include][1] directive.


thank you for your reply @Rajdeep_Sharma i will try your method soon