How does Fix.php work to make wordpress url similar to blogger urls


A very good work. I really treasure your tutorial because it is the only one I could find which was dealing with the migration from blogger to wordpress over the same domain name. Rest all tutorials were suggesting to buy new domains. though I have extra domains, but I really wanted to maintain the same domain name as it is like a brand to me.

Now my question… What does your fix.php script does? does it just strips the new wordpress urls? or it maps blogger urls to wordpress url and make both of them similar? Because I remember earlier blogger did not give us ability to change url, now it gives… so if your fix.php just strips the url then it will not work for me, because I used custom urls a lot in the later posts of blogger since the feature was released. I know you are busy, but if you can answer this then one big problem will be solved as I think redirection is useless for me as I am using same domain and that I don’t want to be dependent on blogger, what if google deletes or marks it as a spam in later stages… I really hope your fix.php will prove like a magic wand for me to do the work for me which I would otherwise manually do to change urls of over 400 articles to make it similar to blogger.

Hello @sanskar.shrivastava
Sorry for late reply to your topic.

Answer to your question:
The fix.php fix all the imported posts slugs and maintain it like you have in blog.
If this is a post title This is a blogger to WordPress forum in blogger blog and link is something like this so when this post is imported into WordPress, it use the slug which is same like the post title this-is-a-blogger-to-WordPress-forum. Which is different than original blogger post URL and that create problem to maintain the URL.
Hence the fix.php comes into the picture, which fixed such URLs.
