How do I use Easyengine as a development server on ubuntu desktop?

Been using Easyengine for a while and been happy with the way I can use my mac to develop wordpress themes and plugins with easyengine installed trough brew.
Now I want to work with my pc and I simple cant understand how I do to get it to work great in ubuntu desktop.
I did try the linuxbrew installation of easyengine but that didn’t work so I used the main installation method. My biggest problem is the filepermission and the obligated rootaccess to web directory. But if I want to use for example Visual Studio Code I don’t want develop as root to get access to the files.

So is it possible to have easyengine as a developement server on linux?
If possible how do I make it happen?

So how do I do it?
Do I work with docker-composer.yml?
If I do it docker how do I make it happen?
Is there any documentation on this topic that I missed?

please help! :slight_smile:

You can install EasyEngine with

wget -qO ee && sudo bash ee

You don’t have to worry about docker-compose.yml, Docker.

Refer these docs then after: