How do I translate the rtPanel child theme to Danish with the program PoEdit?
I have copied the language folder from rtpanel to the child theme, started the Poedit program and gone to: File - New from POT-file.
Then I edited a few strings, and saved, the po and mo files are now in the child themes language folder, but the changes don’t appear on the front end.
There are many tutorials on the internet, but they are different, say different things.
I come from the Required+ WordPress theme, which is now discontinued, but it had a Text Domain in the style.css, rtPanel doesn’t.
Another tutorial said that you should put the string define (‘WPLANG’, ‘da_DK’); in the the wp_config file, this does not work.
The folder wp-content/languages has da_DK.po and .mo files, what are they.
The folder wp-content/languages/themes has twentyfourteen-da_DK.po and .mo files, what are they and how are they created?
Hello PeterSt,
Please follow the instructions given here.
We also added Danish language to our translation project -> Now what you need to do is to submit your translation here -> Please check this doc for how to submit translation ->
Once your are finish with the translation, we can add it in rtPanel and release it publically. Thank you for your help.
Vent to the link:
Copyed the code from the link above about “Setup My Child Theme’s textdomain”, with <?php and everything, and put the code in functions.php. Got a few php errors.
Changed the line to: load_child_theme_textdomain( 'rtpanel-child-theme… Got a few php errors.
Deleted the <?php ?> now the php errors disapeared. But no translations came.
Inserted this code in style.css: /* Text Domain: rtpanel-child-theme */ Still no translations
Tested the word “rtpanelchildtheme” in functions and style.css. No translations
Searched in Google: Child Theme textdomain
Searched for the string with Nodepad++: “Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive.” The untranslated string is in the parent theme, and not in the child theme.
( in 404.php and loop-common.php )
The string is translated in .po og .mo in the child theme. There is no da_DK.po file in the parent theme.
Downloadet file from link:
We also added Danish language to our translation project ->
In Catalog Properties there were no search path, no keywords?
Put this path in . and …
Put these keywords in
I opened the file rtpanel.POT from the parent themes language directory, and with PoEdit made a da_DK.po file, translated a few strings like “Not found”. That po file is stil in parent file and the translation was working. Off course this will disapear with the next theme update, but maybe the child theme will be updated to be translatable.
This textstring I did not find in RtPanel: “Read More →”
I have translated the rtpanel-da.po file with the program Notepad++ (and not with PoEdit), but can’t figure out how to submit the file, so I send it to rtCamp in email.
This is all that I can do, I don’t have an education in these matters. Hopefully someone else will correct errors and misunderstandings.
We do not accept any translated strings in text files or any other format. Please use the translate project here and write down the stings in your language.
Notepad++ is not a text file program, it is a coders favourite choice. It does not change the .po file in any way, it is still a perfect .po file.
I think that when translating .po and .mo files, an online localization tool would prove more efficient than a desktop app, so I suggest you have a look at the translation platform POEditor. You can use it for collaborative translation and for crowdsourcing as well.