How do I change the default copyright notice in footer?

How do I change the default copyright notice in the footer of rtpanel? I want to write “© 2014 by John Smith. All rights reserved.”* Instead, the default copyright notice shows only the current year and uses the blog’s title (“Business and the Law”), which is not the creator and owner of the content. Eventually, I will want to change the year to a range such as, “2014-2015”. This is important for bloggers in the United States because the content may not be protected without proper copyright notices.

Thank you for your help. (My site is not yet public.)


*Naturally, I could just title the blog “© 2014 by John Smith. All rights reserved.” to get the correct copyright notice in the footer. Of course, that would be silly. The title of the blog and the copyright notice in the footer shouldn’t have to match.

Hello JasonCheadle,

To change copyrights text, you will need to follow steps below,

Add following code in the bottom of your functions.php, remove_action( 'rtp_hook_end_footer', 'rtp_footer_copyright_content' );

After that insert following code,

function rtp_custom_footer_copyright_content() { ?>

<?php $rtp_set_grid_class = apply_filters( 'rtp_set_full_width_grid_class', 'large-12 columns rtp-full-width-grid' ); ?>

© <?php _e( '2014-2015 by John Smith. All rights reserved.', 'rtPanel' ); ?>

<?php } add_action ( 'rtp_hook_end_footer', 'rtp_custom_footer_copyright_content' );

Let me know if you have any doubt.