How create new single wp site on subdirectory

I have install wordpres site on a domain, then I want create new wordpress site using that domain but on subdir.

then install new wp site on

what easyengine command to create

Thanks a lot for reply

ee site create --wpsubdir

this is wp with subdirectory, U can join with our forum

is this a single site WP install or a Multisite? I’d just like a single site WP install on a sub directory

@poltak @gurumuda

EE does not support single WP site on subdirectory. Your WP must be in domain (or subdomain) root.

Of course you can hack your vhost file (there are some tutorials here and there), but from this point on it won’t actually be an EE site, and you must be able to do all configurations regarding to caches, URL rewriting, and so on.

ok thanks for the answer @janiosarmento

about the subdomain… i think i could manage that…

how would one accomplish that… a single site install on a subdomain… would we need to make any dns changed on the domain host?