Help! i crashed my vps while trying to install pagespeed via ee

hi. i installed all my wp sites via ee to my vps.

i have redis stack isntalled as well.

then i tried to installed pagespeed by using this tutorial.

then i couldn’t restart nginx. it gives error regarding to redis then i remove redis package.

now none of my sites are working. But i can reach terminal and command line.

What do you suggest? How can i bring my sites again.

update: i moved all conf files regarding to pagespeed and redis to another directory. i put # in front of lines in nginx files where pagespeed and redis are mentioned. and sites are back except my multisite. when i try to visit multisite it try to send a DMS file to me. so a stranger who try to visit could think that is a virus :confused: though it is not. :slight_smile:
so i changed that url linked to a park page.

currently some sites are working

but i don’t know how to reverse back the wrong actions i have done by using ee commands since i am rookie on the vps area.

well. i ended up return the whole VPS from snapshot. i will re-do the 20 days delta work. but at least sites are running up again.

I still don’t know and i would like to know,how we could reverse the things without restoring server snapshot though.