Groups after Update 3.0.5

Okay, 3.0.5. works better, fine

but the problem is in groups

when i create a group then i as a admin from a group can uplaod pictures and create albums

but other members of the group can not upload pictures and can not create albums

i would like that other members of a group can upload pictures too

We will look into this. We are thinking to give few more options in rtMedia settings, so WordPress admin can set it as per need.

Okay i think this is the first step into the right direction.

With 3.0.6. now uplaod is possible for members in the group

the privacy in groups is another problem !

Try to explane: When i create a group as private group and create a gallery upload picture into this group gallery - the picture are visible for others who NOT into this group on the activity page !!!

That´s not good - only when you are a member of this privte group you should able to this this pictures in this group !!!

Not on the activity site for all others !!!

@franksenftleben thank you for reporting this issue,
it is fixed in 3.0.7 please update and let me know.


I get this error message when i create a privat group !

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /kunden/198316_10247/fotofinden/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/app/main/controllers/group/RTMediaGroupExtension.php on line 20

Please help

mhh - i test it with buddypress 1.8 but is my test-site
on my life site i use the 1.7 version of buddypress , i don´t know if the error is there too …