GD JPEG images with problems

I am having problems with functions that manipulate JPEG images, I went to see in phpinfo () and the incomplete GD, according to some information I got. You can see my php in the GD part that is missing the JPEG option.
Without this full library is not working, the imagecreatefromjpeg () function of PHP and I can’t generate thumbs.
The problem happened after doing an EE version upgrade.

My phpinfo GD Incomplete:

Another phpinfo GD:

Same problem here after ee cli upgrade - any solutions?

Check this:

How to do this?

When you compile the gd extension, use the flag --with-jpeg-dir=DIR and --with-freetype-dir=DIR


ee shell --command=‘docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-jpeg=/usr/include/ --with-freetype=/usr/include/’ --user=root

ee shell --command=‘docker-php-ext-install gd’ --user=root

ee site restart

Anyone help ?
i got the same problem here.

Do even steps from @brunotda above but itsn’t change anythings.

all message error : configure: WARNING: invalid host type:
configure: error: unrecognized options: --with–freetype-dir

Folkes jpeg and freetype support has been added in