Gallery shortcode won't display in BP Checkins Place

Hey there! First of all, really great plugin and am looking forward to purchasing the Pro version and photo tagging once some issues get sorted out.

First one is, I can’t seem to get the Gallery Shortcode to display any media at all within any BP Checkins Place page (

Here’s the shortcode I used:
[rtmedia_uploader global=“false” context=“post” context_id=“423” media_type=“photo”]
[rtmedia_gallery global=“false” context=“post” context_id=“423” media_type=“photo”]

Here’s the image to the BP Checkins Place page where the gallery won’t display any media:

I’ve tested the exact same shortcode on a normal page & post and it works fine.

Any help would be very very much appreciated! Thank you! :slight_smile:

this was a private reply with post_id 58452

Hi, I checked you site. The context and context_id are "places" and "517" respectively while you tried to upload media from checkin page. Change this value in gallery shortcode and let me know what it results. Can you give me some hint about how you created this checkin page. I have no idea about this BP Checking plugin.

Thank you, Ritesh for checking this out.

I have tried replacing it with the context and ids you have suggested to no avail. :(

I have just made you an Administrator to my website so you can check it out from there.

Here's the BP Checkins Plugin site:

Thank you!

this was a private reply with post_id 58476

That is strange. Can you add this two plugin for the debugging purpose?

Indeed it is strange. Thank you so much for your efforts, Ritesh. I really appreciate it. :)

I have now installed & activiated both plugins you requested for.

Also, please feel free to tinker around as the site has not been officially launched anyway. I've set your role as an administrator.

Again, thank you.


I visited this page -> has it been changed or some thing else? I couldn't find uploader. And yeah to debug the issue you need to enable "WP_DEBUG" -> in wp-config.php file. It is very helpful when you are developing your site.

hi ritesh!

thank u for not leaving my issue/support ticket.

Yes, i had temporarily disabled the Checkins plugin but I have now re-activated it so you can check it out. The url is back on:

Also, I have now set the WP_DEBUG to true.

Hope you can help me figure out what's wrong.

Thanks a lot!