Gallery Page Trouble/Questions

Hi there!

New to rtMedia and I’m wondering if someone can explain to me how to make a full-on gallery page for all of my users to browse. Is this possible?

I know that my users can create albums through their buddypress profiles, but is there any way to make one single page with all of the public albums/pictures?

I found this shortcode:

[rtmedia_gallery global="false" context="post" context_id="23" media_type="photo" media_author="1"]

But even after reading the page with all of the explanation on it, I have yet to be able to get it to function properly.

These are the two results:



Can anyone assist me with these issues? Loving the plugin, but hoping I can get it to cooperate a bit more.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @AliceKaye,

Try adding below gallery ShortCode for all public media :

[rtmedia_gallery global=true]

For more detail on gallery ShortCode you refer this documentation ->

Let us know if it helps you or not.


Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:

I’ve added this shortcode to this page: sadly it seems I’m having some trouble, I assume it’s theme-oriented. I have no idea how to make the adjustments on this, to make it work. I’ve posted on my theme’s website to see if I can get a bit of assistance with this.

I know that major support is only available to those who have gone pro. If I were to go pro, is it possible to receive help with something like this? I just don’t know enough about PHP to fix this particular issue on my own.

Thanks again. :]

Hello @AliceKaye

If its a theme related issue, then we can suggest you to get a help from respective theme developer only. Our team can helpful for our products related queries. I hope you can understand. We have provided some rtMedia templates here which may help theme developers.

