Gallerie shortcode broken (3.4)

Firstly :wink: thanks to rtCamp team to share a free version of your plugin

Recently upgraded from 3.3 to 3.4 then my galleries (made using shortcode) 're broken

for example, this message is showed when I use the following shortcode parameters

Oops !! There's no media found for the request !!

[rtmedia_gallery global=“true” media_type=“photo”]

May be not a “bug” but do you know if there 're some changes to do? for now…

BuddyPress 1.9 & WordPress 3.8 (default theme: twenty twelve)

In fact all media files which 're attached to a group’s update, don’t seem to be showed!

Hi @Albert,

In the last update, we have simplified the group media privacy. When using gallery shortcode with global context, all media will be shown in the gallery except the ones that are linked to any group i.e medias having context as “group”.

You can get more information regarding the update over here :

If you still have any doubts or confusion, then please feel free to ask.

Thank you.

Hi, @pushpakpatelrtcamp thank you for your quick reply

Well but how to display all media files which 've been uploaded ?

I can’t edit this discussion but :wink: it should be moved to “Support Question” in fact…

Hi @albert,

I am afraid, it is not possible to display all media using shortcode with current version (Only Group media is ignored).

But we are working on it and will fix it in our next release.

Ok, even if it’s very useful (in our case), we 'll wait :wink: thanks @abhishekkaushik

all is right for now (3.4.1), thank you @pushpakpatelrtcamp and @abhishekkaushik for your support

@albert Thanks for your feedback. Please have a look at update gallery shortcode documentation -

Well, seen this note about privacy, thanks @rahul.bansal