Featured Image not Showing

I believe that the featured image is supposed to show behind the profile picture or above it, correct?

I have followed the directions in the documentation provided to make the featured image show and it is not working.

I have tried different variations of the code provided and it has yet to work. I would like to know that a, I am thinking the featured image works as it actually does and b, how to fix the code so that it works.


Can you give me URL where I can have a look to the issue. Also, give some more details what exactly you want.

this was a private reply with post_id 63964

Did you get my reply from earlier? I set it to private because I gave you a login to the network when I replied. Thank you.

Yes, I got the details.
I couldn’t find feature image(Cover Image). Have you override BuddyPress member-header.php template?

I am not sure about the override? How do I do that?

You need to copy BuddyPress templates in your theme or may be they were copied in your theme, I’m not sure. After that you need to locate this file /members/single/member-header.php and then apply the changes given in tutorial -> https://rtcamp.com/rtmedia/docs/admin/featured-media/

One more thing, I did not upload a cover photo for your account, I guess I should have done that :slight_smile: I will take a look at the last thing you sent me and see if that works. I added those in my template php in wordpress for custom functions.

You don’t have to set cover photo for user’s account. There is an option in single media view to set that media as featured media i.e. cover photo in your case.

Ok, what I want is to allow the users to set a cover photo/featured image. I have copied and pasted the code that you refer to but perhaps I did it wrong. Here is what I did based on the documentation you have provided and perhaps I did it wrong? I am adding one to my own user account and it is not showing in the header area…

Does it matter if I have a logo in the “header” area of my canvas framework? Would that be causing the issue?

Here is what I replaced the code advised to replace in the documentation provided by rt:

<?php if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) : ?>
	<div id="featured-media">  
<?php rtmedia_featured(); ?>  
<?php endif; ?>

I also tried only

<?php rtmedia_featured(); ?>

I am going to remove the logo in the header in canvas to see if that helps…

Thank you. I have changed the code in that file to:

<?php rtmedia_featured(); ?>

and no phpif, etc.

It will only show feature media if you have set any from any of your’s media. You can set feature media by clicking “Set feature” under “options” dropdown in single media view.

Thank you for that and I have selected a featured image a few different times?

I have changed the code that you suggested and I have added a featured image?

Any suggestions?

Is it working for your account that I set up for you to add a featured image?

I am getting 404 page not found error in media tab. Please re-save permalinks.

I am not getting the same error and I am not sure as to what you mean by resave permalinks? I just went into settings>permalinks and I saved them as I have always saved them again.

On my own profile, I am seeing a status in the area that the cover photo should be and it is the last status that I wrote on another test user’s wall. I have tried saving the images again and again as featured and it is not working yet.

Will you please tell me specifically what the code should be, if I need the php before and after it? I shared earlier what I did which was exactly what your doc about the featured image said to do…it said to remove the other code, that was about 4 lines and replace it with yours.

Thank you.

Let me tell you the whole procedure again.

First you need to override BuddyPress templates in your current activated theme. i.e. copy folder buddypress (from BuddyPress plugin) /buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/ in your theme.

Now locate template member-header.php under /members/single/ in buddypress folder which you had copied from BuddyPress plugin.

Check following code and make necessary changes in member-header.php file. You need to add 4-5 lines in code.

<?php do_action( 'bp_before_member_header' ); ?>  

// code for featured media  
	if( function_exists('rtmedia_featured') ) {  
		echo '
'; rtmedia_featured(); echo '
'; } ?> // E.O. code for featured media

This will show feature media if user has set any in his profile.

I just redid the code and it is working, I must have been looking at the wrong thing before…thank you!

Now, the image is showing up in thumbnail size??? Do I need to change a setting or something?


Now you had to change image size setting and set image size for feature image from rtMedia admin settings.

Ok, I feel like I might be missing something? Thank you for all of your help with this. I do not see a setting for an image size of the featured image, do you mean to set the size of the image that is uploaded?

There are settings for thumbnail, large and medium images?

Please let me know how to set the image size…we are almost there :slight_smile:

In media size setting, look for the option “Featured” under Image Sizes in rtMedia admin settings.