Hi there,
I would like to use the features detailed here:
Is this functionality part of the current version or have you removed menu features?
Thanks in advance,
Hi there,
I would like to use the features detailed here:
Is this functionality part of the current version or have you removed menu features?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Rob,
Unfortunately, the plugin you’ve mentioned is unrelated to ours, despite similar names.
We created a buddypress media plugin, way way back and then this one that you’ve mentioned, started development. We liked the manifesto and plans and waited for close to 2 years for some fantastic promised results and more or less, stopped development on our plugin.
Finally, as you might have also noticed, we realised that this new plugin is fairly obese (about 53 MB download size), slow in development (last update was in August) and pretty complicated. Besides, it tries to do everything rather crudely, rather than a few things, superbly.
This forced us to restart and reimagine the development of our Buddypress media Plugin . So, even though, I can’t help you with this one, can I try and convince you to try our plugin, instead? (At times, even we feel like indulging in a bit of shameless self-promotion )
Here’s the link, again http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-media/
It’s being used by more than 10,000 sites (and growing) and has real positive feedback. Besides, there’s a team of 30 odd developers and really interested users collaborating on it. You might find it nicer to assimilate it on your website and our support is legendary. And in case, you find that we’re missing a great feature, let us know here and we’ll incorporate it as best as possible. https://github.com/rtCamp/buddypress-media/issues
Thanks for your reply. That clears up a lot of confusion. We are using your plugin and have found it great so far. We want to use it as a portfolio for users artwork.
We would like to be able to show users work elsewhere in the site. I’m trying to build a series of shortcodes and templates to do that, but my coding abilties are limited and I can’t seem to find documentation to help. I have been able to pull up a single image using the following:
function media_shortcode($atts) {
'id' => '0'
), $atts)
$media=new BP_Media_Host_Wordpress($id);
return $media->get_media_single_content();
add_shortcode('media_single', 'media_shortcode');
But I would like to expand that to grabbing single thumbnails, albums, all images for a user etc. Is there anywhere I could find documentation on how to do this? Or is there any built in functions I could use?
Thanks in advance
Hi Rob,
Our BuddyPress-Media plugin is using WordPress custom-posts. Album is a custom-post. Media-files are “attachment” to that album (post). Album-Cover is simply “featured image” (for custom-post).
Most of the things you need are already there.
Documentation & Translation process will start next month (hopefully before Christmas). Till then, you can go ahead with your site development and put placeholder markup on test-site. Then just send us a link to test-page with some details and one of our developer will give you code-snippets.