Error while Updating to EE v 1.3.8

Hi there,

when i about to upgrade to 1.3.8 and i get an error and couldn’t able to update now.
The error is
/usr/local/sbin/ee: line 3313: syntax error near unexpected token (' /usr/local/sbin/ee: line 3313: echo -e “\tupdate:\t Update EasyEngine ( ee)\t”’

Need help please


This issue handled on github

Oh just saw it :slight_smile: thanks Harshad

Please Ignore If You See Anything After This Line.  
/usr/local/sbin/ee: line 3313: syntax error near unexpected token `('  
/usr/local/sbin/ee: line 3313: `	echo -e "\tupdate:\t Update EasyEngine (ee)\t"'  

When you update easyengine its prints above messages, you can simple ignore those lines