Error when executing the easy engine command

The easy engine commands until a while ago were working. Then later I went to pass this command below:

ee site info

That’s when this error started to appear:
Error: Unable to initialize connection to EE sqlite database: could not find driver

Does anyone know how to help me with this?

There could be many reason for this error unfortunately. Perhaps one of these suggestions will at least narrow the search.

Make sure that your system is completely updated.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo ee cli update

Then check for the global version of PHP being used
sudo update-alternatives --display php
php -v

Note the specified version. For reference mine shows 7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 and all works as expected. If you wish to change the default version and other versions are installed you can configure the global default with sudo update-alternatives --config php

if you are returned a message indicating there is nothing to configure that just means that you only have one version installed.

Hoping that these at least knock a few items off the troubleshooting list.

Please update this thread.

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