Error installing wordpress

Hey guys,

Ive just started a droplet on digital ocean with a LEMP stack. I installed easy engine and tried to install a new site. The error I get is

nick@2finch:~$ sudo ee site create --wpfc Running pre-update checks, please wait… Setting up NGINX configuration [Done] Setting up webroot [Done] Downloading Wordpress [Fail] Oops Something went wrong !! Calling cleanup actions …

here is what my error log says

nick@2finch:~$ sudo tail -n100 /var/log/ee/ee.log 2015-11-07 12:24:39,709 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for PHP 2015-11-07 12:24:41,102 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for MySQL 2015-11-07 12:24:41,102 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: mysqladmin ping 2015-11-07 12:24:41,117 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for Postfix 2015-11-07 12:24:42,550 (DEBUG) ee : Setting packages variable for WP-CLI 2015-11-07 12:24:42,551 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: which wp 2015-11-07 12:24:42,556 (INFO) ee : Running pre-update checks, please wait… 2015-11-07 12:24:42,556 (DEBUG) ee : checking NGINX configuration … 2015-11-07 12:24:42,604 (INFO) ee : Setting up NGINX configuration 2015-11-07 12:24:42,605 (DEBUG) ee : loading template file /usr/lib/ee/templates/virtualconf.mustache 2015-11-07 12:24:42,674 (DEBUG) ee : Checking generated nginx conf, please wait… 2015-11-07 12:24:42,722 (INFO) ee : [Done] 2015-11-07 12:24:42,723 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/etc/nginx/sites-available/, Dest:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 2015-11-07 12:24:42,723 (INFO) ee : Setting up webroot 2015-11-07 12:24:42,723 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/var/log/nginx/, Dest:/var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:24:42,723 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/var/log/nginx/, Dest:/var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:24:42,724 (INFO) ee : [Done] 2015-11-07 12:24:42,782 (INFO) ee : Downloading Wordpress 2015-11-07 12:24:42,782 (DEBUG) ee : Changing directory to /var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:24:42,782 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: wp --allow-root core download 2015-11-07 12:24:42,787 (DEBUG) ee : Command Output: , Command Error: /usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory

2015-11-07 12:24:42,788 (INFO) ee : [Fail] 2015-11-07 12:24:42,788 (DEBUG) ee : ‘download wordpress core failed’ 2015-11-07 12:24:42,788 (INFO) ee : Oops Something went wrong !! 2015-11-07 12:24:42,789 (INFO) ee : Calling cleanup actions … 2015-11-07 12:26:07,874 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for ‘ee’ using LoggingLogHandler 2015-11-07 12:26:08,145 (DEBUG) ee : [’/usr/local/bin/ee’, ‘site’, ‘delete’, ‘’] 2015-11-07 12:26:08,145 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7fa7b725d438> 2015-11-07 12:26:08,148 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for < object at 0x7fa7b725d9e8> 2015-11-07 12:26:08,150 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for < object at 0x7fa7b725de10> 2015-11-07 12:26:08,153 (INFO) ee : Initializing EasyEngine Database 2015-11-07 12:26:09,773 (INFO) ee : Deleting Database, None, user None 2015-11-07 12:26:09,775 (DEBUG) ee : [Error]Setting up database: ‘Did not specify a username’ 2015-11-07 12:26:09,775 (DEBUG) ee : 2015-11-07 12:26:09,775 (DEBUG) ee : Mysql Connection problem occured 2015-11-07 12:26:09,775 (DEBUG) ee : dropping user None 2015-11-07 12:26:09,776 (DEBUG) ee : Did not specify a username 2015-11-07 12:26:09,776 (ERROR) ee : Error occured while deleting database 2015-11-07 12:26:09,787 (INFO) ee : Deleted Database successfully. 2015-11-07 12:26:12,600 (INFO) ee : Deleting Webroot, /var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:12,601 (DEBUG) ee : Removing /var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:12,601 (DEBUG) ee : Removing /var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:12,616 (INFO) ee : Deleted webroot successfully 2015-11-07 12:26:12,616 (DEBUG) ee : Removing Nginx configuration 2015-11-07 12:26:12,617 (DEBUG) ee : Removing /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 2015-11-07 12:26:12,617 (DEBUG) ee : Removing /etc/nginx/sites-available/ 2015-11-07 12:26:12,617 (INFO) ee : Reload : nginx
2015-11-07 12:26:12,726 (INFO) ee : [OK] 2015-11-07 12:26:12,747 (INFO) ee : Deleted site 2015-11-07 12:26:44,393 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for ‘ee’ using LoggingLogHandler 2015-11-07 12:26:44,671 (DEBUG) ee : [’/usr/local/bin/ee’, ‘site’, ‘create’, ‘’, ‘–wpfc’] 2015-11-07 12:26:44,671 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7f71fb5f7470> 2015-11-07 12:26:44,674 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for < object at 0x7f71fb5f75c0> 2015-11-07 12:26:44,676 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for < object at 0x7f71fb5f7d68> 2015-11-07 12:26:44,680 (INFO) ee : Initializing EasyEngine Database 2015-11-07 12:26:44,689 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for Nginx 2015-11-07 12:26:46,169 (DEBUG) ee : Finding string SCRIPT_FILENAME to file /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params 2015-11-07 12:26:46,169 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for PHP 2015-11-07 12:26:47,491 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for MySQL 2015-11-07 12:26:47,491 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: mysqladmin ping 2015-11-07 12:26:47,498 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for Postfix 2015-11-07 12:26:48,755 (DEBUG) ee : Setting packages variable for WP-CLI 2015-11-07 12:26:48,756 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: which wp 2015-11-07 12:26:48,760 (INFO) ee : Running pre-update checks, please wait… 2015-11-07 12:26:48,761 (DEBUG) ee : checking NGINX configuration … 2015-11-07 12:26:48,809 (INFO) ee : Setting up NGINX configuration 2015-11-07 12:26:48,809 (DEBUG) ee : loading template file /usr/lib/ee/templates/virtualconf.mustache 2015-11-07 12:26:48,894 (DEBUG) ee : Checking generated nginx conf, please wait… 2015-11-07 12:26:48,946 (INFO) ee : [Done] 2015-11-07 12:26:48,947 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/etc/nginx/sites-available/, Dest:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 2015-11-07 12:26:48,947 (INFO) ee : Setting up webroot 2015-11-07 12:26:48,947 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/var/log/nginx/, Dest:/var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:48,948 (DEBUG) ee : Creating Symbolic link, Source:/var/log/nginx/, Dest:/var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:48,948 (INFO) ee : [Done] 2015-11-07 12:26:49,007 (INFO) ee : Downloading Wordpress 2015-11-07 12:26:49,007 (DEBUG) ee : Changing directory to /var/www/ 2015-11-07 12:26:49,007 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: wp --allow-root core download 2015-11-07 12:26:49,012 (DEBUG) ee : Command Output: , Command Error: /usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory

2015-11-07 12:26:49,013 (INFO) ee : [Fail] 2015-11-07 12:26:49,013 (DEBUG) ee : ‘download wordpress core failed’ 2015-11-07 12:26:49,013 (INFO) ee : Oops Something went wrong !! 2015-11-07 12:26:49,013 (INFO) ee : Calling cleanup actions … 2015-11-07 12:30:12,938 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for ‘ee’ using LoggingLogHandler 2015-11-07 12:30:13,230 (DEBUG) ee : [’/usr/local/bin/ee’, ‘-v’] 2015-11-07 12:30:13,230 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7fa478ae5438> 2015-11-07 12:34:03,070 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for ‘ee’ using LoggingLogHandler 2015-11-07 12:34:03,352 (DEBUG) ee : [’/usr/local/bin/ee’, ‘update’] 2015-11-07 12:34:03,352 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7f9f07005400> 2015-11-07 12:34:03,355 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.plugins.update.EEUpdateController object at 0x7f9f07005588>

does anyone know whats up with this? I’ve been struggling for days… thanks