Error during installation

Hello! When I run the command (ee site create --wpfc) fails

Updating apt-cache, please wait...
Installing packages, please wait...
Downloading WP-CLI               [Done]
Unable to search /etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini and replace zend_extension ;zend_extension

log ee

    Restarting PHP 5.6 FastCGI Process Manager php-fpm5.6
2016-03-02 03:40:36,101 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mDownloading following: [['', '/usr/bin/wp', 'WP-C
2016-03-02 03:40:36,103 (INFO) ee : .[94mDownloading WP-CLI              .[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:41,462 (INFO) ee : .[94m[.[0mDone.[94m].[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:41,462 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mCalling post_pref.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:41,463 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mconfiguring php file /etc/php/5.6/fpm/php.ini.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,036 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mWritting php configuration into /etc/php/5.6/fpm/php.ini.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,037 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mwritting php5 configuration into /etc/php/5.6/fpm/php-fpm.conf.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,040 (DEBUG) ee : loading template file /usr/lib/ee/templates/php-fpm.mustache
2016-03-02 03:40:42,048 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mwritting PHP5 configuration into /etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/www.conf.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,049 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mCopying file, Source:/etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/www.conf, Dest:/etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,051 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mDoning search and replace, File:/etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf,Source string:[www], Dest String:[debug].[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,053 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mwritting PHP5 configuration into /etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,053 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mRunning command: grep -q ';zend_extension' /etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,059 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mCommand Output: ,
Command Error: grep: /etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini: No such file or directory
2016-03-02 03:40:42,059 (DEBUG) ee : .[95mDoning search and replace, File:/etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini,Source string:zend_extension, Dest String:;zend_extension.[
2016-03-02 03:40:42,060 (DEBUG) ee : .[95m[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini' -> '/etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini.bak'.[0m
2016-03-02 03:40:42,060 (ERROR) ee : .[91mUnable to search /etc/php/mods-available/xdebug.ini and replace zend_extension ;zend_extension.[0m
2016-03-02 03:41:14,904 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for 'ee' using LoggingLogHandler
2016-03-02 03:41:15,404 (DEBUG) ee : ['/usr/local/bin/ee', 'update']
2016-03-02 03:41:15,404 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7f8c16cde438>
2016-03-02 03:41:15,406 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.plugins.update.EEUpdateController object at 0x7f8c16cde940>
2016-03-02 03:41:15,408 (INFO) ee : Initializing EasyEngine Database
2016-03-02 03:41:15,410 (INFO) ee : .[94mDownloading update script       .[0m
2016-03-02 03:41:18,646 (INFO) ee : .[94m[.[0mDone.[94m].[0m
2016-03-02 03:41:18,646 (INFO) ee : .[94mupdating EasyEngine, please wait....[0m
2016-03-02 03:41:31,717 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for 'ee' using LoggingLogHandler
2016-03-02 03:41:32,210 (DEBUG) ee : ['/usr/local/bin/ee', '-v']
2016-03-02 03:41:32,211 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7f7dca72e438>

I am hope for your help Thank you

Hello Ilya

This issue has been fixed with the latest EE release .

