Emails being flagged as spam

My emails are being flagged as spam from my VPS with easyengine installed e.g., automated logwatch reports. I am hosting my emails with with a custom domain name. So when logwatch sends a report to ‘[email protected]’ the email says the sender is ‘[email protected]’ and flags it as spam. The root user account on my VPS ‘root’ and the hostname for the server ‘’. Also when i was setting up for email i did enter the provided SRV,TXT and MX records.

Can someone help with this problem?

Can you check if your domain/IP is on blacklist? -

It did that check after reading your tutorials on Postfix. The IP/domain name is not blacklisted. I am wondering if is being overly aggressive with it spam detection. I normally see alot of emails from new companies flagged as spam

Can set the default email address Postfix uses to something like '[email protected]' which is being hosted with

I got it sorted out but emails are still flagged as spam but i am not longer concerned. The email server Microsoft uses with my outlook email is on an email blacklist. So i think is flagging my emails as spammed because that server is blacklisted

Thanks for update.

As a test, you may remove server from blacklist and check if mails doens't get flagged as spam.