EE v4 site migration


how to move a EEV4 wordpress site to a new server using EEv4?

Easiest ways to move any wordpress site are to use any of the popular plugins. I use both All In One WP Migrate and WpVivid but Duplicator is also very popular and robust. All these plugins provide a package of files that you can import to the new site.

If you are feeling bold, command like tools make quick work of the entire process as well. With SSH access to both old and new servers, one can copy all relevant files with rsync or scp and export and import the database files with WP-CLI command wp export db.

As to duplicating an entire EEv4 setup, that would be mostly dependent on your hosting provider. I have access to snapshots and backups that can be made into images. Those images can be used to restore entire environments. I still prefer to spin up new instances and just use the super easy EE install script to install fresh copies and restore the sites using one of the plugins mentioned above.

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