Ee site edit command not working

Actually I am trying to edit my site config file, I did try ee site edit

After this I prompted to choose desired editor. I did choose 2nd option.

After that I saw only number coming up nothing else.

When ever I try to edit site, I got same results, but I can edit the config file directly by visiting /etc/nginx/site-avaliable/

Can anybody tell me how i can fix this?

Having the same issue. When I try the “ee site edit” I just get an almost empty screen, just with a number like 479, and the editor does not respond to the keyboard.

Same happens here “ee site edit” with nano and putty and gau1991 told us that it had a fix, but I’ve totally installed a fresh installation with all the updates and the erros stays. :confused:

When I edit with nano without ee like “nano file.ext” it works great.

I have replicated the issue.

On fresh easy engine server, when you try to edit site configuration first time then system ask the default editor option

If you choose option using right area of numbers on keyboard then you will get same error but if you choose top area of numbers on keyboard then it works.

If you just installed easy engine then re install os and easy engine , it will be worth it