When I run ee admin-tools enable mysite.com, ee reports that everything is fine but no ee-admin folder or files are created in the htdocs folder. What can be wrong?
From the log:
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.INFO: ::::::::::::::::::::::::ee invoked::::::::::::::::::::::::
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker ps > /dev/null
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: command -v docker-compose > /dev/null
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: Using default global config: /opt/easyengine/config/config.yml
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: No project config found
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: argv: /usr/local/bin/ee admin-tools enable mysitename.com
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: Running command: admin-tools enable
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.INFO: Global auth exists on admin-tools. Use ee auth list global
to view credentials.
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.INFO: ======================== admin-tools enable start ========================
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker-compose config --services
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: STDOUT: php nginx mailhog postfix
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: admin-tools file: phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/vendor/easyengine/admin-tools-command/ee-tools$
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:51] ee.DEBUG: COMMAND: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-admin.yml up -d nginx
[04-02-2019 18:41:55] ee.DEBUG: STDERR: Recreating mysitenamecom_php_1 … ^[[1A^[[2K Recreating mysitenamecom_php_1 … ^[[32$
[04-02-2019 18:41:55] ee.DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 0
[04-02-2019 18:41:55] ee.DEBUG: -----------------------
[04-02-2019 18:41:55] ee.INFO: ======================== admin-tools enable stop ========================