After upgrading to 3.7 I get a white page when accessing RoundCube. There are no errors in the error log… Any idea?
Hi @geertjan
Can you provide me which linux distribution you are using and also from which version of EE you have upgraded to 3.7 ?
Ok, so I am getting an error 500, but there is nothing in the logs… How can I get to see the PHP errors?
Hi @gleert
You can try Nginx error log
tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.error.log
On v3.7 we had not done any changes for Ubuntu distibution. I will let my team know to reproduce this Issue and if we find any we will fix it as soon as possible.
In the meantime can you please say if your roundcube is listening on PHP7 or PHP5.6 ? Also you may try
ee stack upgrade --php
ee stack upgrade --php7
Above should install any missing php package.
Thanks for your advise! Finally it was a PEAR problem, after doing “apt-get install php-pear” it was solved!