Edit Profile Picture and Comments Option are Gone

Hello, so for some reason users can’t change their profile picture anymore by clicking on their profile picture. They can only do this by going to the direct link /profiles and also for some reason when users click on the comment button. Nothing happens. My other question and issue was when users log in, how can I direct them to their profile automatically instead of a static “you are already logged in” screen?

Hey there,

Hope you are doing great! :slight_smile:

I would like to inform you that by default the option of changing profile picture works that way only. If I am missing something, could you please specify which theme you are using?

Regarding the comment issue, I am unsure about which comment box you are talking, whether it is BuddyPress comment box or rtMedia comment box. And regarding the redirection, could you please specify exactly which page redirection you are talking about, BuddyPress profile or media tab.

It would be a great help if you brief us the issues with some screenshots and provide us with your site URL.

Thanks, Archana.