Easyengine: Remove mail stack


I am trying to remove the entire currently installed mailstack. According to this I can do this using:

Remove Mail Packages - This command will remove all mail server packages keeping configuration files as it.

e stack remove --mail

Remove MailScanner Packages - This will remove Amavis, SpamAssassin and ClamAV on your system.

ee stack remove --mailscanner

However, what does ‘will remove all mail server packages keeping configuration files as it’ mean? Which configuration files are kept? I would like to remove everything from mail as it was never installed (eg also any config, database tables, and DNS changes etc). We are switching our mail to an external smtp (office 365) and would like to start with a clean slate so hidden/old files don’t accidentally interfere.


Bumping this post for more attention.

Thank you,

So I went ahead and deleted and purged the mail stack and the mailscanner stack. It seems that it does not completely clean and that some confirmation is maintained in certain dependencies such as postfix and mysql.

Does anyone have a clean postfix main.cf file after installing postfix (without easyengine/before mail stack)?

Thank you,