Disabling 'SORT' and 'OPTIONS' button


I do like to disable the ‘SORT’ and ‘OPTIONS’ button: http://cl.ly/image/0m0t122r1E1f
How am I able to do that?


Hi Woekerzee,

  1. For ‘OPTIONS’ :
    You need to add following code in your theme’s functions.php file :
    remove_action( ‘rtmedia_media_gallery_actions’, ‘rtmedia_gallery_options’, 80 );
    remove_action( ‘rtmedia_album_gallery_actions’, ‘rtmedia_gallery_options’, 80 );

  2. For ‘SORT’ :
    Sort option was added using this code :
    add_action( ‘rtmedia_media_gallery_actions’, array( $this, ‘rtmedia_gallery_sort_option’ ), 50 );
    As you can see, you can’t directly remove this action as it is a class method. Please check this link -> http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/57079/how-to-remove-a-filter-that-is-an- anonymous-object to remove action for method of anonymous object.