I’ve been running a nicely profitable website for a little over 10 months with a basic Namecheap domain, Digital Ocean droplet and Easy Engine WordPress install. However about 3 days ago my Digital Ocean droplet had a “Power On” Event due to some malfunction on Digital Ocean’s side. Since then I have not been able to access my website from a browser as a typical user would.
When I try to go to the address (HTTPS with SSL) I simply see a standard “This site cannot be reached” message. This is how I normally get access (as would anyone from google). What is odd is when I go to the server IP address or the HTTP (no “s”) version of the site, I get the Welcome to nginx further configuration is required screen. So I think the server is working, but for some reason after the Power On event / restart Nginx (or Easy Engine) is no longer pointing (maybe wrong wording) to the HTTPS version. I’ve check the files via SFTP using FileZilla and everything seem to still be there. So I’m sure it’s something simple. I just can’t for the life of me figure out what it might be. None of the networking setting have changed so I’m a bit perplexed. Any ideas?