Different button types / counters etc

I love the performance of your plugin & would like to be able to use it to output individual buttons...

Is it possible to use different sets of buttons in different areas of my site?


in posts I have Twitter/FB/Google buttons (with counter), however in archive lists I only have the FB "like" button (no counter)

Is there a method of accomplishing this with your plugin? I am happy to edit some pieces of code :)


Hi Phirefly,

We are looking into this and will let you know as soon as we come up with a solution!



Hi Phirefly,

We have updated the plugin and you can now override the options in the manual function call. Possible options are:

//Select which buttons you want
‘active’ = array(‘tw’, ‘fb’, ‘lin’, ‘pin’, ‘gplus’);

//Display style
‘display_options_set’ = ‘horizontal’ / ‘vertical’ / ‘icon’ / ‘icon-count’

‘alignment_options_set’ = ‘left’ / ‘right’ / ‘center’ / ‘none’

//Twitter handle
‘tw_handle’ = ‘whateveryouwant’

//Twitter related handle
‘tw_related_handle’ = ‘whateveryouwant’

//Facebook button type
‘fb_style’ = ‘like_light’ / ‘like_dark’ / ‘recommend_light’ / ‘recommend_dark’ / ‘share’

So for your scenario:
rtsocial(array(‘active’ => array(‘tw’, ‘fb’, ‘gplus’)));

rtsocial(array(‘active’ => array(‘fb’), ‘fb_style’ => ‘like_light’));

Unfortunately we don’t have an option to hide the counts right now (except for the icons style). But you can and YOU SHOULD (!) fork the plugin on Github and add the feature to it. Here’s the link to the repo: https://github.com/rtcamp/rtsocial

Let me know how it goes!

Note: I checked and answered your query on WordPress.org forums too. And btw, I totally dig your username!

Thanks, hope this helps you!

  • Rutwick